Filter Alternative therapies All Categories Physicians Pathological anatomy Medical genetics Geriatrics and gerontology Occupational medicine Hematology Radiotherapy Rheumatology Lab medicine Surgeons Cardiovascular surgery General surgery Oral and maxillofacial surgery Thoracic surgery Vascular surgery Plastic surgery Neurosurgery Pneumology Cardiology Otorhinolaryngology (eNT) Gastroenterology Medical oncology Neurology Dermatology Allergology / clinical immunology Infectious diseases Endocrinology Diabetes, nutrition and metabolic diseases Gynecology/ Obstetrics Urology/ Nephrology Nephrology Urology Orthopedics and traumatology Psychiatry Pediatrics Pediatric surgery Neonatology Pediatrics Pediatric cardiology Pediatric gastroenterology Pediatric hematology Pediatric nephrology Pediatric neurology Pediatric oncology Pediatric orthopedics Pediatric pneumology Pediatric psychiatry Radiology and medical imaging Ophthalmology Emergency medicine Internal Medicine Recovery and physical medicine Family Medicine General medicine Dentistry Speech therapy Forensic Medicine Psychologist Online Nutritionist Alternative therapies TOP MEDICAL CONCIERGE Coaching Free Trial Sort by New Price (Low to High) Price (High to Low) Popularity Clear Cancel Apply Filters Clear All All Categories Physicians Pathological anatomy Medical genetics Geriatrics and gerontology Occupational medicine Hematology Radiotherapy Rheumatology Lab medicine Surgeons Cardiovascular surgery General surgery Oral and maxillofacial surgery Thoracic surgery Vascular surgery Plastic surgery Neurosurgery Pneumology Cardiology Otorhinolaryngology (eNT) Gastroenterology Medical oncology Neurology Dermatology Allergology / clinical immunology Infectious diseases Endocrinology Diabetes, nutrition and metabolic diseases Gynecology/ Obstetrics Urology/ Nephrology Nephrology Urology Orthopedics and traumatology Psychiatry Pediatrics Pediatric surgery Neonatology Pediatrics Pediatric cardiology Pediatric gastroenterology Pediatric hematology Pediatric nephrology Pediatric neurology Pediatric oncology Pediatric orthopedics Pediatric pneumology Pediatric psychiatry Radiology and medical imaging Ophthalmology Emergency medicine Internal Medicine Recovery and physical medicine Family Medicine General medicine Dentistry Speech therapy Forensic Medicine Psychologist Online Nutritionist Alternative therapies TOP MEDICAL CONCIERGE Coaching Consult Courses Session FEATURED € 70.00 COACHING Alternative therapies Dr. Oana Codruța Băcean Miloicov € 70.00 € 30.00 Fizioterapie Alternative therapies Paul Ion Radulescu € 30.00 Lei 75.00 Psycho-emotional Theraphy Alternative therapies Terapeut Nicoleta Irianu Lei 75.00 € 70.00 Hipnoterapie Alternative therapies Florina Cotuna € 70.00 € 145.00 Hipnoza regresiva Alternative therapies Mihaela € 145.00 5.0 Lei 100.00 Kinetoterapeut Alternative therapies Anamaria Grigoriu 5.0 1 Reviews Lei 100.00 5.0 € 25.00 Terapii complementare și holistice Alternative therapies Laura Cristian 5.0 8 Reviews € 25.00 € 10.00 Metode de recuperare și interpretări rezultate medicale Alternative therapies Catalin Obreja € 10.00 € 45.00 Theta healing Alternative therapies Daniela Chirila € 45.00 ← Previous 1 2 Next →